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Shape Robots by Grade 1

Grade 1 have been investigating both 2D and 3D shapes. As an art activity, they were asked to create a shape robot using any materials. The challenge was that they were not allowed to draw it! Here are their creations


Grade 5 Poetry Unit

Grade 5 completed their Unit about Poetry. The summative assessment task was to write a poem –‘your best ever’- and include some of the elements you have learned in this unit, for example about literary devices. There must be some figurative language in it. Then make an artwork to go with it and put it together to create one beautiful poster. Please have a look at some of the posters the students made.



Grade 8’s Double Exposure Challenge

After successfully embarking on a photography project, Grade 8 took the time to go one step further using Photoshop to explore digital manipulations. They worked in layers to produce a double exposure image, combining self-portraits with landscapes which spoke to them. The programme was new to many, but they took on the challenge fantastically producing a series of captivating images. Here are some beautiful examples:

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DP1 Visualising the Stage for a Play

For Literature HL, Ms. Ramachandra got DP1 students to read the opening stage directions of the play "A Doll's House" and sketch out their visualisation of the stage. This activity engaged them more closely with the text and they become aware of the small, but significant, details of stagecraft.


DP1 History Padlet

DP1 History students did some source work and discussion on the Manchurian Crisis with Ms. Oudman. This was a formative knowledge check on what they learned from a reading. As well as honed exam skills on source analysis. To access their work click here.