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The first Model United Nations conference of the year that International School Hilversum participated in has officially ended, LmunA 2021 conference took place from 1st to 3rd October, which was hosted in Arnhem’s Lorentz Lyceum. 25 selected delegates had a long weekend, on most days starting from 8:30 - 17:00 full of challenging debates, discussing over a variation of topics in each committee and councils, and co-operating with other delegates from schools across The Netherlands. This year’s MUN Arnhem’s annual theme was “Quality of Life” where the topics revolve around “Improve co-operation, improve life, improve the future” – Lorentz Lyceum, mainly targeting the implications current Covid-19 pandemic has affected the globe, addressing the increased depression rate, overload in healthcare facilities, multiple economic consequences, and unfair distributions/allocations of corona vaccinations from MEDCs to LEDCs. Overall, delegates had to conjure solutions in their operative clauses the best approaches to rebuilding the economy, solving conflicts, enhancing international equality, which ultimately are all factors contributing to globe’s “Quality of Life” index.

Our delegates represented France, Pakistan, Norway and Spain in General Assembly 1, 2, 4, 6, Security Council, UNEP, UNICEF, UNESCO, HRC, ECOSOC, and UNODC. From the General Assemblies (GA1, 2, 4, and 6) investigating the Implementations of regulations of the usage and strength of nuclear arms possession, regulating access to arctic sea trading routes, addressing the ongoing Israel-Palestinian conflict, to exploring the more common controversial issue of human rights concerning restrictions to regulate the Covid-19 pandemic.

Even though there were many new delegates which LmunA was their first conference experience, majority grasped the discussion procedures quickly, for example applying the MUN points, motions, usage of 3rd person when speaking during the sessions consistently and appropriately ensuring the focused and formal United Nations conference dynamics were maintained. Furthermore, during the lobbying sessions on the first day, many resolutions written by ISH delegates were able to get co-submitted by sufficient number of delegations, even some getting approved by the approval panel to be discussed during the General Assembly plenary session and ECOSOC / CSW Plenary session during which took place on the 3rd day. Moreover, delegates were able to experience the opportunity of receiving speeches and workshops from guest speakers “Lennart Freud” from Human Rights Watch (HRW), Project director “Bert den Ouden” mentioning his ongoing hydrogen energy exchange initiative, “Rebin Maref” from VVD and “Kalyan Guntuboyina” addressing the importance on sustaining agriculture, informing delegates further on aspects concerning “Quality of Life”.

Lastly, would like to give applause to all delegates and ambassadors who have participated in LmunA for their active contribution, but especially big congratulations to the 3 delegates who has managed to receive “Best Delegate” awards:

- Rishi Narendran DP1 (UNODC)

- Ken Jackson DP1 (GA4)

- Riptiva Roy IS10D (Security Council).

Additionally, special thanks to Mr. Skarvelis who has supervised the students during the whole 3-day event. Next conference the school will be joining is MUNISH, taking place in International School The Hague from 5-7th November 2021. Looking forward to seeing our members participating and getting involved in real current world issues again soon.

Enya Yuniarta (DP1)

(Vice President of Communications)

Previous MUN articles:

Haarlem Model of United Nations Club - HMUN