We always enjoy sharing stories about our students, especially when it is something special like this. Kim (Grade 10) managed to raise €18.255,00 for the KWF cancer foundation as part of her Personal Project! As you may know, the Personal Project is a culminating project that takes place over an extended period of time during which students get to explore an area of personal interest to them. For Kim, this was an opportunity to raise funds to support a cause close to her heart. She did this by organising a fundraising dinner, during which she also hosted a silent auction. In this article we find out a little bit more about her Personal Project and how she managed to raise such an impressive amount of money..
First of all, Kim, congratulations on this very impressive achievement! What gave you the idea to raise money for KWF?
There are a number of people in my surrounding who are struggling or have struggled with cancer in the past. My grandfather was recently diagnosed and underwent chemo and radiation therapy. In addition, my best friend's father recently passed away. Being with her at the funeral and seeing the way it impacted her family inspired me to raise money for cancer research.
How long did it take to prepare the fundraising dinner and how did you go about organising it?
I started planning the fundraiser in October, looking at the venue and guest list and looked into each of the smaller details about two months in advance. I talked to several people who have organized these events in the past and along with online research I created a list of each of the things I would like to organise (e.g. an auction, music, dinner, etc.). I then focused on each of these individually and with the help of family, friends and experts with experience I was able to achieve a lot of these from people we knew. For example, the speeches were given by acquaintances and I knew many people who would be willing to play music throughout the event. Such as the school band who did an amazing job playing dance music at the end of the night.
For the silent auction, a lot of local shops and organisations donated gift packages, artwork, outings and other items for you to auction off during the evening. Did you find that these local shops and organisations were willing to support you with your project?
I found that local shops and individuals were very helpful throughout the process. Particularly with the silent auction. I walked into a number of shops on the Gijsbrecht and told them about the event. I was surprised by how excited and willing each of them was to help. I am very grateful for each of the shop owners and individuals who donated beautiful auction items. Cancer has unfortunately become a disease impacting more and more people, so I felt that many organizations and store owners were personally connected to the cause making them very willing to help.
A big part of the Personal Project is reflection. What did you learn from organising this event?
Throughout the past few months, I have learned a lot both about the cause and event planning. I have spoken to Fight Cancer about their events and how valuable the money is that goes to their research projects. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to develop my social and communication skills when writing my speech, talking to the different organisations, etc. Finally, I have learned a lot about event planning and how these fundraiser work. Particularly from the professionals I spoke to.
What tips would you give to other people wanting to organise a fundraising event?
I would strongly encourage other people to organise events like this. Over the past few months I have learned about the importance of raising money for research. If I were to give them advice, I would tell them to use the resources around them and accept the help of individuals and organisations who offer it. I found that there were a lot of people who are willing to help due to a personal connection with cancer. In the end I would not have been able to do it without them. Additionally, I would tell them not to be afraid to ask. At first I found it very difficult to ask shops and organisations for donations, but ultimately the donations are not for me but for cancer research. I found that it was very helpful to remember that.
Thank you for sharing your story, Kim. Again, a massive congratulations on this achievement! It is really something to be proud of.